logo for Howard Law Firm in Arkansas




402 West South Street


Benton, AR 72015


Contact Howard Law Firm in Benton, Arkansas

Get A Local Lawyer That Can Save
Time and Money on Your Case

We offer free 30-minute phone consultation on your case. One of the ways we save you money is by listening and formulating a plan during your consultation instead of doing work after the consultation. This results in potentially lower fees for your case, while others may charge more.

At Howard Law Firm, we truly care about your well being and will work hard for the best result on your case. While this website provides general information, it does not constitute legal advice. The best way to get guidance on your specific legal issue is to contact us.

The courts in which we appear frequently are located in the Central Arkansas area, which means we also know how the courts operate, what the local rules may be, and how to get the best result for your issue.  Some firms are more diverse and travel the entire state, but we believe that focusing on a smaller area of the state, we are able to provide more personal, cost-effective, and overall better service to our clients.

To schedule a meeting with an attorney, please call 501-794-6991 or complete the intake form below.

Contact us


402 West South Street

Benton, AR 72015



Mon - Thu
- -
Sat - Sun
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